Thanksgiving Fire Safety Tips!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner!  Enjoy your food and fellowship but keep these things in mind.

Share these fire safety resources to help families enjoy a safe holiday.

Practice safe cooking

As you plan your Thanksgiving menu don’t forget about fire safety.

Did you know Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires? The number of home fires double on Thanksgiving. So, let’s add a pinch of fire safety to the menu.

Keep these safety tips in mind as you prepare your meal.


If you are roasting your turkey, make sure you set a timer. This way, you won’t forget about the bird as you watch the parade or football.

If you are frying your turkey,

  • Use a fryer with thermostat controls. This will ensure the oil does not become over heated.
  • Thaw your turkey completely. Ice on the bird will cause the oil to splatter.
  • Don’t overfill the pot with oil. If you do, the oil will overflow when you add the turkey causing a fire hazard.
  • Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the fryer.
  • Also, always use the fryer outdoors.

Stuffing and Potatoes:

Stand by your stove when you are boiling your potatoes or frying onions for stuffing. It is best to stay in the kitchen when you are frying, boiling or broiling. If you are in the kitchen, it is easier to catch spills or hazardous conditions before they become a fire.


  • Keep the area around the stove clear of packaging, paper towels, and dish cloths; anything that can burn.
  • Be sure to clean up any spills as they happen.
  • Be prepared. Keep a large pan lid or baking sheet handy in case you need to smother a pan fire.
  • Turn pot handles towards the back of the stove so you don’t bump them.

By following these safety tips, you will have a delicious and fire safe Thanksgiving. Let the firefighters have dinner with their families, not yours.

Use Turkey Fryers Outdoors
Recipe for Fire-Safe Cooking

City Hall Closed for Thanksgiving

happy-thanksgivingThe Fulton City Hall will be closed November 24 & 25 for Thanksgiving Holidays.  We will reopen on Monday November 28th.  Of course our Police, Fire, EMS and Public Works all remain on duty.  Remember them on this Holiday as many of them miss spending time with their families in service to keep the community running and protected.  

John Lewis Christmas Ad Drives Awareness This Holiday Season

Every year, a holiday ad inevitably comes along that figuratively punches us right in the gut, making us, for lack of a better term, “feel all the feels.” This year’s John Lewis Christmas ad is the latest Christmas commercial to reduce us to a blubbering puddle of tears. (No really, though—it wasn’t pretty.)

The British department store is widely known for its Christmas ads that strike an emotional chord with viewers year after year—and this one is no exception. For maximum impact, we give you no introduction here, other than a warning you to grab a box of tissues before pressing play.

According to a press release, the retailer partnered with charity Age UK “to drive awareness and support for some of the millions of older people who can go for a month without speaking to anyone. “

“We hope the ad inspires people to find really special gifts for their loved ones,” said customer director Craig Inglis. “Through our partnership with Age UK, [we hope to] raise awareness of the issue of loneliness amongst older people and encourage others to support in any way they can.”

Since its November 5 release date, the video has racked up nearly 14 million views, meaning you can rest assured that you weren’t the only one feebly pressing play again, as another onslaught of tears runs down your face.

Credit Country Living

City of Fulton Leaf Pick-Up Begins

leaves-roadsideBeginning Monday, November 14, leaves will be removed by vacuum during the fall months.  The leaf machine will cover the city from east to west and then start over.

leaf-machineLeaves, pine needles and yard rakings must be placed on the edge of the yard by the street (NOT in the street) so the vacuum machine can pick them up.  If you have any questions about the schedule, or questions concerning this service, call (270) 472-2434.

Thanks for your support, Fulton Public Works Department.

Christmas In The Parks

 SAT, Dec 3rd
5 – 8 pm
Community Tree Lighting Ceremony
in Unity Park at 5pm with Twin Cities Community Choir and a visit from Santa!

Stay around for pictures with Santa then head over for supper in the Senior Citizens Center.
clip-art-cans-of-foodJust bring canned goods for the local food pantry or a minimum of $2 donation will also be accepted for  TCMO.

Shop during the extended business hours at the downtown businesses and Christmas Bazaar in the Pontotoc Building!

SONY DSCTake a stroll around the downtown area and view all the giant Christmas Cards and the Live Nativity Scene on the Band Stand on Lake Street!
Visit The Chamber office or Fulton Tourism for more information on becoming a vendor.

Fulton Fire Department Visits Carr Elementary For Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week


SAFETY TALKS – Fulton Fire Chief Mike Gunn and Captain Jordan Jones, Lieutenant Tina Dropik, and Firefighter Melissa Curtis spent three afternoons recently teaching Carr Elementary School students about fire safety. In observance of Fire Prevention Week, the firefighters discussed “stop, drop and roll” as well as the importance of having smoke detectors in all homes in the Fulton area. They also talked to the students about how to call 911, when to call the emergency number and what information is needed when calling. The firefighters also brought bags with bookmarks, fire safety information and coloring books to give to students in preschool through fifth grade.

– See more at:

Police Honor Cancer Awareness No Shave November

no_shave_november_icons_by_sporkystock-d83rciuThe Fulton Police Department will be participating in the No-Shave November. This is a month-long journey during which participants forgo shaving and grooming in-order to evoke conversation and raise cancer awareness. The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Please help and donate to your local cancer foundation. These donations will help to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.

Chief Terry Powell

Fulton Police Department

Veterans Bean Supper at Pontotoc Today

The bean supper for veterans and widows of veterans is today at Pontotoc Community Center at 11:00. The city will set off the warning sirens at 11:11 because on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as “the Great War.”